Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mouse, since I moved in I've heard these gnawing sounds in my living room and bedroom. I looked everywhere, under my bed, under the bureau with a flashlight, i lifted the carpets and thought I narrowed it down to just being bugs in the wooden floors, because everytime that's where I tracked the noise back to. So..I sprayed the wood with the bug spray we got from the Peace Corps; it didn't work. But, when I go to sleep and I hear it, if I bang hard on the floor or near it, the gnawing sound stopped. So..just this morning I read Val's blog, another PCV and she mentioned she saw a mouse in her place..oh yucky, i don't like 'em. And sure enough, I walk out of my bedroom, into the living room on the way to the kitchen and there is this really fast, black blur that headed right into my kitchen. I did the only thing I could do..scream, and then I shut all the doors around the kitchen, hoping it doesn't get out. I asked the 'maestro' that is putting the big lock on my door today and finally putting in my heater to what to buy to get rid of the mouse. I'm really scared; is there more than one mouse?

1 comment:

  1. Ughhhh, I know! I haven't heard or seen it again but I'm still freaked out.

