Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March is quickly passing by..

March is a busy month in Bulgaria..full of holidays and celebrations..I’ll try to talk to a few of them..but there are just too many. I partly attribute this busy month to the fact that in Bulgaria all the other months are known to be ‘Male’ months..March is the only ‘Female’ month here. And..it makes sense to me that it would take a female to get things started again. So, here in Bulgaria that female is known as Baba Marta. The common belief is that by wearing the red and white colours of the martenitsa people ask Baba Marta for mercy. They hope that it will make winter pass faster and bring spring..I’m not sure that will happen this year, since we just a nice beautiful snowfall over the last 2 days. We celebrated this holiday on March 1st..and everyone exchanges Martenitsa’s (some look like red and white friendship bracelets). If you look at the pictures on my pictures link at the bottom of the blog, you will see pictures of Baba Marta and also Martenitsa’s.

Ok..so, other holidays in Bulgaria this month include their Independence Day on March 3rd..a few of the other volunteers blogs have good information about this day..you can check them out on the left side of my blog.

I spent the weekend in the village I teach in..the woman’s club there put together a wonderful celebration at their discotheque there. They had a great turnout. One of my English students made me promise to write about this important day in Bulgaria..that day is March 8th – Women’s Day. Nope..not Mother’s Day, Women’s Day.

This is also the month the local High School celebrates their anniversary..I’m going to see a concert and go to their banquet this evening.

Next week is the 130th birthday of my city. This is a little confusing..but, before my city was a city, it was a town..and this is a celebration for that..Not to be confused with the annual city celebration at the end of June.

Two other interesting things on the agenda for this week..I start teaching Salsa..and a Business course. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes okay 

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