Sunday, September 12, 2010


Training completed..I would have say today was a success! And from what I heard from our training team, they also agree. Today, we successfully held a training on HIV/AIDS for youth, by using interactive games. Our team, me, Veselina (Director of the cultural center), and 2 youth have worked closely the last 3-4 weeks to present our information. Today was the harder of the 2 days..the learning. Next week, we will have a sports day, that will include an invitation to the spectators during a half hour break to play condom volleyball. This was a great game idea from another PC volunteer. It becomes quite interesting, as it brings out discussions on facts and myths about HIV/AIDS.

Today was a bit long, as there was a session in the morning for the younger kids (13-16), and then a second session for the older kids (17-26). Surprisingly, it was the older group that was quieter. We were expecting the younger group to be shy, and laugh..but they did really well. Everyone was laughing at one point or another..but learning as well. If you want, you can take a look at some of the new pictures on the link at the bottom of the blog..and it’ll give you a bit more of a description of today’s events.

I have to say..I am also very proud of our training team: The director of the cultural center in the village, two youth, and myself.

I heard that there has been a bit of small earthquake activity in the Sofia area, the capital of Bulgaria recently..please don’t worry. I was nowhere near it.

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